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皮马社区学院支持并颂扬它与所有部落的关系, 阿拉斯加土著, 土著居民. 皮马社区学院 sits on the indigenous lands of the Tohono O’odham peoples and the extended homeland of the Pascua Yaqui peoples. 皮马社区学院 also supports students who attend from all 22 federally recognized native nations in Arizona, 以及美国联邦政府承认的574个土著民族. Indigenous populations exist throughout the world and 皮马社区学院 has the potential to serve any of them.

As such 皮马社区学院 has committed itself to providing service and education that 庆祝 indigenous 文化 and stewardship while also recognizing the history of displacement and dispossession. 例如, 托霍诺奥哈姆部落是亚利桑那州第二大保留地, 分布在该州的中南部到西部, 一直到墨西哥边境. 帕斯夸亚基人, 他们的传统家园在墨西哥的雅基河沿岸, 为了逃避墨西哥政府的种族灭绝和奴隶制,他们逃到了亚利桑那州南部. 皮马社区学院承认这一承诺, 庆祝, 并确认我们的土地属于各个土著民族的主权.



皮马社区学院 is on the original homelands of the Tohono O’odham People and the extended homelands of the Pascua Yaqui Tribes. 另外, 皮马社区学院有学生, 员工, and members of the community from many of the tribal and indigenous groups within the United States and worldwide. 我们向这些人表示敬意和敬意, 过去的, 现在, 而未来的人已经并将继续培养, 维持, 管理这些土地.

The practice of acknowledging the land of these sovereign Nations brings to the forefront their enduring connection to this land regardless of historical and current colonization practices. 让我们承认,我们都受益于我们工作和学习的这片土地. 我们鼓励每个人了解我们居住的土地, the tribal communities connected to this land and the ways in which each individual can contribute to restorative practices related to land and community.The practice of acknowledging the land of these sovereign Nations brings to the forefront their enduring connection to this land regardless of historical and current colonization practices.

我们承认我们从这片我们工作和学习的土地上获得的利益. 皮马社区学院 encourages each member of our community to learn about the land we inhabit, the tribal communities connected to this land and the ways in which we can contribute to restorative practices related to land and community. We continue to invest in our 承诺 through our partnerships with tribal and indigenous organizations, 通过在我们的战略和运营计划中纳入本地声音, and by 工作ing with the Pascua Yaqui and Tohono O’odham Tribal Council to invest in educational opportunities and initiatives.


We recognize and acknowledge that the very foundation of the United States of America was built on the free and 强迫 labor of 黑色的 people of the African Diaspora, 以移民和难民为代价, 还有这片土地上的原住民. 这些劳动为这个国家的基础、财富和成功做出了贡献.

This foundation has generational and exponential effects that continue to negatively impact 黑色的, 棕色(的), 以及今天被边缘化的社区,仍然得不到补偿. The historical and contemporary contributions of the 黑色的 diaspora and of the immigrant and refugee populations, 继续塑造美国文化,造福这片土地上的所有居民.

作为这个空间的管理者, 坚持这些真理是我们的共同责任, 共同努力,拆除和破坏延续至今的压迫制度. We acknowledge and strive to move beyond the hierarchy that continues to marginalize and oppress, 取而代之的是,拥抱一个所有人的声音都得到尊重的体系, 他们对自我尊重的表达, 他们的故事被提升了.

我们尊重牺牲, 工作, 还有那些被奴役者的生命, 强迫, 继续遭受压迫. 我们努力庆祝他们的贡献, 揭示和教育他们的历史, 并致力于对所有人的公平和平等.


The following is a combined version of the labor and land acknowledgement to ground us through reflection, 通过庆祝来激励我们, 并承诺我们采取行动. This should be used as part of events throughout 皮马社区学院 and is usable by 员工 in their 工作.

We recognize we are on the unceded lands of the Tohono O’odham and Pascua Yaqui people who have been ongoing stewards of these lands. 我们尊重他们对这片土地的爱和承诺,并努力继续这项工作.

我们尊重被奴役的人民, 移民, 难民, 以及其他为美国创造财富和基础的人.

我们承认我们从这片土地和我们祖先的劳动中得到的好处. 皮马社区学院 encourages each member of our community to learn about the land we inhabit, the tribal communities connected to this land and the ways in which we can contribute to restorative practices related to land and community.


Let us recognize the histories of Arizona and the United States as complicit with the racism and disenfranchisement of colonialism. We recognize that these difficult histories persist in 现在-day realities and privileges at this college.




You may also engage in further reflection (either recognize the gathering or ask people to form a circle):

Circles and gatherings create inherent recognition because we are 强迫 to witness each other. 它来自各种传统习俗,包括土著人民的习俗.

在这次聚会上,我们作为来自不同背景的这个社区的成员聚集在一起, 文化, 以及分享我们社区的所有权和承诺的经验. 我们一起承认压迫和暴力制度. 我们认识到,我们是拆除它们并重建健康的手段, 礼貌, 关心他人. 我们是这片土地、这段历史和这个社区的管家. 我们可以一起建立归属感和联系.

这个圆圈代表我们的联系, 承诺, 并希望得到一份关怀, 公平的, 和平的世界.


作为其正在进行和深化的努力的一部分,以超越土地承认, 皮马社区学院 has engaged in a variety of initiatives that focus on indigenous people, 移民和难民, 以及各种文化认同. 它继续扩大和增长其承诺. 如果您有兴趣在这方面提供帮助,请联系 多元化、公平和包容办公室.


  • 与帕斯夸亚基部落合作,提供各种教育服务
  • The establishment of Tohono O’odham 社区 College and ongoing support on various projects and initiatives
  • 创建了种族性别和跨国界研究项目,其中包括墨西哥人, 黑色的, LGBTQIA +, 性别, 土著和部落星际官方赌钱.
  • The use of the PRIDE index to improve services and create safe and welcoming environments for LGBTQIA + students and 员工.
  • 无障碍投资, 安全, and Wellness resources so all persons within the College 社区 have access and opportunities as well as supporting health and safety.



传统上, a land acknowledgment is a custom that dates back centuries in many Native Nations and communities as a way to both honor the stewardship of the land and recognize the people whose land they were on. 今天, land acknowledgments are used by Native Peoples and non-Natives to honor the Indigenous Peoples who are the original stewards of the lands on which we now live, 以及认识到历史上发生的位移和分离. 土地确认不以过去时存在, 或者历史背景:殖民主义是一个当前正在进行的过程, 我们需要建立我们目前参与的意识.


劳动承认的发展是为了承认殖民主义的历史, 奴隶制, 以及为美国奠定基础的移民. They are derived from the land acknowledgement concept as a way to educate and honor the sacrifices, 压迫, 以及黑人正在进行的斗争, 棕色(的), 还有其他被奴役的群体, 用作自由和强制劳动, 并继续承担这些系统的成本. 比如土地确认, labor acknowledgements are not just about the 过去的 but also a 承诺 to improve and overcome the oppressive systems that still exist today.


皮马社区学院的历史和使命包括公平, 社会正义, 多样性, 包容, 和归属感. These principles have been part of the institution since its inception and continue to be found throughout its systems. 像所有的组织和人一样, 言语不是工作, thus 皮马社区学院 uses these acknowledgements to remind itself and the community of these values, and to promote ongoing 承诺s to action that improve and change oppressive and racist systems and behaviors.
它在公开活动之前分享土地所有权, 在重要材料中, 以及其他重要的聚会. 它鼓励其他人也使用土地和劳动报酬. 然而, 重要的是要注意,致谢时必须带着尊重, 尊严, 以及对他们意图的承诺.


致谢有两个功能, they educate those who experience them about Native lands and its sovereignty as well as the history of 奴隶制 and 压迫 in building the United States. 他们也尊重这些人民和土地的牺牲、经历和管理.

但是,确认不是动作. 虽然导致这种历史背景的许多行为发生在过去, 土著居民仍在经历其后果, 黑色的, 棕色(的), 和今天的其他人. 组织和个人无法改变过去, 但我们可以努力改变持续压迫的体制, 拥抱的偏见, 阻止个人实现美国梦.
有关Going Beyond的更多信息, 土地和劳动力确认, 土著民族和土著人民, 和类似的话题请参见 土地和劳动力资源.

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